About Us

thebossboutiqe.blogspot.com is an online blogshop which caters in all delicacies from kids aspiration to all genre love-everything young and modest.
Registered under the brand name The Boss Boutique, we are 100% Malaysian.

The Boss Boutique is made out of nine souls, each filled with a passion to explore and share our favourite stuffs with all of you too.
Truly driven by the excitement and interest to design our very own line of unique, fun and beyond blog, our dream is to share more and more heavenly stuffs to meet your daily needs. We love the feeling of having ourselves with all great stuff that we would ever think of in fingertips, hence we'd like you to experience the same too! ;)

So don't be left out, for we promise you nothing but pleasant surprises in each and every collection.

The Boss Boutique Team
